The master of Turkish fashion, Cemil İpekçi, met with the students of the fashion department of the Fashion Academy, Altier Academy. He gave a seminar about his success story, experiences and what awaits young talents in the future. Facing the intense interest and love of the students, the famous fashion designer told the striking stories from her childhood to the present with her golden advice.
Bringing the fashion professionals of the future together with innovative trainings in their cutting-edge classrooms, Altier also offers its students the opportunity to meet with Turkey's leading fashion designers and prepares them for professional business life in every respect. In its last seminar organized within this scope, the Academy hosted Cemil İpekçi, the first fashion designer to come to mind with his success beyond the borders of the country.
İpekçi, who told the students about her passion for fashion since childhood, said, “I grew up with nannies in a 22-room mansion at the age of 4.5. I've always been very curious about the past. One day, when they couldn't find me at home, they found me in the chest room while I was making a cross-stitch in my hand. At the age of 5, I cut a piece of my mother's fur coat and made a fur-collared coat for my baby.'
The famous fashion designer, who said that his first customer in his own place was Şükran Calligrapher from the Calligraphy family, said, "Şükran had just got married, she heard me, her money was very lucky, and this is how Cemil İpek'çi started. At that time, I was the first to introduce Nişantaşı to chintz and flannels," and told how his career began.
To the young talents who will be the future fashion designers of Turkey, 'There are thousands of Cemil İpekçi in this country. The important thing is to be brave. Don't accept being a fashion designer as a profession, see it as a lifestyle. My hindbrain is dressing you as I look at you. Every day, a new technique, a new machine comes out. There are as many types of fabrics, paints, buttons as you want. Being a designer is easy today. As long as you want, but don't try to be perfect, the universe itself is perfect. Study nature, watch the flowers, from the color harmonies on the birds to the folds of their wings, and be inspired. Talk to fabrics. Ask yourself what you really want. "Don't try to be famous, these are worldly things," he said.
As a teacher who has devoted 49 years to fashion, Cemil İpekçi said to the Altier Academy students that they cannot be sarcastic about clothing because clothing design is not only talent but also knowledge, you need to know the history of costumes, by addressing all areas of fashion and giving fashion trainings with its instructors who have the highest equipment and international experience. He praised the Academy. At the end of the seminar, Altier Academy General Manager Serkan Selamet presented the master fashion designer with a plaque of appreciation.